Death toll from Sportmix pet food recall said to be rising: “I am aware of approximately 40 deaths,” veterinarian tells TCR
The number of dogs fatally poisoned by contaminated food that the FDA announced was being recalled after at least 28 dogs died and eight became sick appears to be rising.
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Five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall
Like everything else in 2020, fall will be different this year because of COVID-19. Many of the activities that we look forward to and associate with the season — attending a high school football game or heading to a harvest festival — might now be canceled. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities we can continue to enjoy with our dogs while staying physically distanced from other people.
Here are five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall:
TCR Travel

U.S. airlines bid good riddance to emotional support animals
Airline industry stakeholders finally have something to celebrate in 2020. For emotional support pigs, miniature horses, snakes, and turkeys, it’s the end of an era of commercial air travel. Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a set of final rule revisions to the Air Carrier Access Act it proposed earlier this year – rules that major airline industry stakeholders like Delta Airlines have long called for.
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The end of emotional support animals: U.S. air carriers to restrict cabin access to documented service dogs
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced its final revision of rules under the Air Carrier Access Act which had required air carriers to treat emotional support animals as service dogs. The revisions give airlines significantly more discretion: