TCR Gear

Animal health giant Elanco declares blockbuster Seresto collars “vindicated” by recent EPA finding, but CEO continues to evade questions
Per Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) spokeswoman Colleen Dekker: “Finally vindicated,” Elanco’s spokeswoman Colleen Dekker told TCR late yesterday. She added: “EPA […]

Nellie’s Quail Hunting Video – viewer discretion advised
“The arrival of spring is always a refreshing change of pace. For me, springtime means shredding Grandma’s tulips.” — Nellie

“Health and Wellness Co. for Pets” Petco removes electronic collars from inventory, offers up phony “Petco Certified Dog Trainers”
In an attempt to brand itself as “the health and wellness company for pets,” Petco announced on Tuesday that it […]

My Corgi Pup’s First Halloween: Dogs and Costumes 101
I have been excited for Halloween since January, when my corgi puppy, Charlotte, entered my life, and I decided that she would make the perfect Baby Yoda from the Star Wars series, “The Mandalorian.” Something about those big ears and innocent puppy eyes…

Five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall
Like everything else in 2020, fall will be different this year because of COVID-19. Many of the activities that we look forward to and associate with the season — attending a high school football game or heading to a harvest festival — might now be canceled. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities we can continue to enjoy with our dogs while staying physically distanced from other people.
Here are five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall:

Celebrating Me: My Birthday Party
On Sunday, I celebrated my birthday, the day of days, with my best friends and family. Anyone who is anyone was at my party. It was the event of the COVID-19 season. My actual birthday is July 13. I can’t believe that I am six-years-old. So many birds executed, yet so many birds still at large. I slaughtered one of Grandma’s little humming birdies a few days ago. Delicious. Where was I?

Backstage at Westminster 2020
What kind of prepping and primping goes on backstage at the world’s most prestigious dog show? How much work goes […]