TCR Play

Home for the holidays with ten-time best in show German Shorthaired Pointer Jade; co-owners Valerie Nunes-Atkinson, Carley Simpson
How does the biggest star in the conformation galaxy like to unwind? How does she maintain her amazing physique? What do her co-owners do as far as preparation for Westminster? How intrigued is Jade by the sight of other dogs on Zoom?
TCR Travel

United Airlines spox to TCR: United “no longer restricts any breed as long as it’s a service animal and the customer has the proper documentation”
After January 11, reservations on all United flights will be permanently closed to all emotional support animals. Cabin access will be limited to service dogs that can meet the service animal requirements.
Asked if United was maintaining its ‘pitbull ban,’ United spokesman Charles Hobart told TCR in an email: “We no longer restrict any breed as long as it’s a service animal and the customer has the proper documentation.”
TCR Sleep
TCR Learn

Delta lifts ban on pitbulls that meet service dog requirements, emotional support animals permanently grounded
There’s something unique about Delta’s announcement today. Delta — the airline which led the move to ban “pitbull-type dogs” following a series of violent incidents inflight involving pitbulls traveling as emotional support animals — also becomes the first major U.S. carrier to announce the removal of its pit-bull ban today. “Delta will lift its ban on pitbull-type dogs that meet documentation requirements for trained service animals,” the announcement says.
TCR Style

Home for the holidays with ten-time best in show German Shorthaired Pointer Jade; co-owners Valerie Nunes-Atkinson, Carley Simpson
How does the biggest star in the conformation galaxy like to unwind? How does she maintain her amazing physique? What do her co-owners do as far as preparation for Westminster? How intrigued is Jade by the sight of other dogs on Zoom?