FDA says Arrow Reliance Inc., maker of Darwin’s, is refusing to issue recall on salmonella contaminated pet food
FDA spokesperson Anne Norris alerted reporters late Wednesday afternoon to inform them that the agency was issuing an “advisory” in […]

Trupanion’s pet food startup has disappeared without any SEC disclosures or public statements.
Trupanion’s pet food venture Landspath involved millions of dollars in start-up costs (insiders estimate total amount spent is north of […]

Trupanion pulls down pet food venture Landspath website following TCR inquiry
The total dollar amount Trupanion, Inc. is now estimated to have spent on the pet insurer’s joint pet food venture […]

62 white label brands of Omega-3 supplements for dogs and cats recalled after owner reports dog vitamin A poisoning
The FDA announced on Friday, March 10 that the distributor Stratford Care USA, Inc. is recalling Omega-3 supplements for cats […]

Which dog foods are safe? Here’s the data that fills the FDA’s DCM information void:
To crystallize how urgent the matter is to a significant portion of the general population (about 70 million American households […]

The Farmer’s Dog Super Bowl Ad Was A Hit – But What About The Food? Veterinarians Weigh In.
“No, as a veterinary general practitioner, I would not, and do not, recommend this food at all,” Dr. Jessica Self wrote on Facebook. “Farmers Dog, and other boutique diet companies, are centered around marketing tactics that are shady and confusing to non-veterinary consumers. Let’s look at the term “Human Grade.” There was no legal definition for “Human Grade” until a few years ago; and this term only pertains to pet foods.

Death toll from Sportmix pet food recall said to be rising: “I am aware of approximately 40 deaths,” veterinarian tells TCR
The number of dogs fatally poisoned by contaminated food that the FDA announced was being recalled after at least 28 dogs died and eight became sick appears to be rising.

Pet Food Company Targets, Taunts Veterinarians
The most frustrating part of his job, Just Food For Dogs chief medical officer Chavez says, is an “easy” question. Convincing “veterinarians,” he continues, “who have a biological education and understand physiology that real food…real chicken; real broccoli; real rice is healthier than a little ultra-processed brown ball of feed-grade kibble that is shelf-stable at room temperature for two years in a bag. You know, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, are you kidding me?’”
Mr. Buckley happily joins in the attack: “I could ask my doctor. I could ask my dentist. I could ask my chiropractor what my diet should be. And none of them would recommend a highly-processed diet and nothing fresh.”
“The mainstream veterinarian needs research and proof that real food is healthier, and that just boggles my mind,” Dr. Chavez adds. “We’re the last healthcare profession that is recommending an ultra-processed daily sustenance. It’s just crazy.”

Five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall
Like everything else in 2020, fall will be different this year because of COVID-19. Many of the activities that we look forward to and associate with the season — attending a high school football game or heading to a harvest festival — might now be canceled. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities we can continue to enjoy with our dogs while staying physically distanced from other people.
Here are five COVID-19-friendly activities to do with your dog this fall:

Two Weeks, Two Recalls — And This Is Not The First Of This Major Pet Food Company’s Troubles With FDA
FDA spox tells TCR, “FDA has received at least one report about Sunshine Mills products in that timeframe…” In both recalls, the major pet food company noted that “no illnesses have been reported in association with these products to date.” That’s a statement Sunshine may no longer be able to make.