FDOTUS Champ and Major move into the White House

According to Michael LaRosa, a spokesman for First Lady Jill Biden, the First Dogs moved into the White House on Sunday, the 24th.

The arrival of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’s canine duo marks the official end to former President Trump’s break with the long-held tradition of pets in the White House. Mr. Trump was the first U.S. president in nearly two centuries to live in the White House without a pet. The last known president to do so was James K. Polk, who served from 1845-1849.


Major arrives at the White House - Official White House Photos
Major arrives at the White House – Official White House Photos
Major arrives at the White House - Official White House Photos
Major arrives at the White House – Official White House Photos
Champ arrives at the White House with First Lady Jill Biden - Official WH Photos
Champ with First Lady Jill Biden – Official WH Photos
Champ and Major arriving at the White House
Champ and Major arriving at the White House – Official White House Photos